Klub Morgentræning


Vi starter op med morgentræning fra den 14 november 2023 med Jakub Skuhrovec
Træningen starter kl 06:30 - 7:30.
Hallen åbner kl 06:00.

Vi kører November og December for 1 mdr pris. ialt 240,-

Ønsker man at betale per gang er prisen er 50,- kr og der skal indbetales til mobilpay 880665.

Den faste månedspris er 240 kr .
Hvis man skal betale på månedbasis, så bliver man en del af morgentræningsholdet og de 240 kr, sendes automatisk ud via holdsport.

Til forældrene.

Gode råd for at få mest ud af træningen om morgnen:
Sørg for morgenmad og drik et stort glas vand. Sørg for et fornuftigt mellemmåltid som spillerne kan spise lige efter træning.
Så sikre du at dit barn er tanket op og klar til skole.

06:30 - 07:30
06:30 - 07:30
06:30 - 07:30
06:30 - 07:30

Jacub Skuhrpvec

Morning practices
Only hours of time working on your skills on the ice will make you a better hockey player. Come and join our morning practice sessions. Use the opportunity of extra practice with room for improving all the aspects of being the player you want to be. During the morning practices, we will focus on individual skills such as shooting, power skating, passing and others for which is sometimes hard to find time during the practices with the team. And we will do all of this while having fun.

Jacub Skuhrpvec

I grew up watching Czech team winning three world championships of ice hockey in a row. I started to play in a small club in Prague. Soon I became part of Sparta Prague. As an active player I made it to Czech 3rd tier league and then I decided to chase my university degree and became coach of this complex, dynamic and amazing sport.
In these years I reached ice hockey coach education on level C and B provided by Ice Hockey federation and Sports Faculty. I became coach in different Prague teams and Ice hockey schools. I am regularly a head coach on summer camps of Czech International Hockey Camps and I am a part of a team of Goalie Service schools with its members being responsible for Czech national teams and taking care of the professional goalies. My educational skills deepened when I became a teacher.
My philosophy is to try to look on coaching comprehensively, take into account psychology, healthy development and enthusiasm of the kids and in a meantime give 100 percent into the game.

Tirsdag, Torsdag
06:30 - 07:30
Alle køn
Hvidovre Ishockey Klub
240,00 kr. pr. måned
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Alexander Damjanov #8 (09)
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Malte Kallehauge #17 (09)
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Karl Fly Hesselberg #22 (12)
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Jamil  Mirzada (13)
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Lirim Asani #2 (13)
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Sebastian Plum Sørensen #2 (10)
Kiril Yefremov
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Lucas Bille Juhl-Larsen #4 (10)
Denis Mironov #27 (10)
Tobias Baagøe #79 (08)
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Isak M. Abedinov #15 (11)